Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To Begin Again...

The semester has officially started. Day two of classes is already in full swing as I wait for my first class of the day to start and reflect back to remember what I've learned versus the path ahead and what I'll need to get where I want to go. Last night was the ending of something I had grown attached to... Something that gave me connections to people and insights about myself I could never begin to replace. Stepping outside our comfort-zone is something that everyone must face at some point and come to turns with. What I left last night was just that... It started as me reaching out of my comfort-zone and confronting what I was handed. It then became my comfort-zone the place I hid when the rest of the world was trying to break down my door. As of late I've been reaching outside the comfort-zone with one foot firmly planted in it, but now I took my foot out of it and plan to continue on this path as it merges with the rest of my life. So yeah last night signified the ending, but its not an ending as most would think. I still get to visit my old hideaway, just see it through new eyes, and I have already been told that I'm welcome back if I so choose when the path becomes less rocky and the way clears again for side excursions. But for now I leave the weekly party place I called "home away from home" focus my attention on school and keep in touch with the people I met along that path that made A difference (for the better) in me and the way I view the world. And with that I leave you a song with perfect lyrics for this new beginning...

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