So all of a sudden today I lost all the drive I had rediscovered over the weekend... I was happy, I couldn't stop smiling, I actually took pictures of myself and allowed (select) people to see them. Yet, when I was getting ready for school all my happiness slowly started to drain, which I figured was normal, I mean I DO NOT LIKE SCHOOL, but by halfway through my class I was doubting myself all over the place, and just in a generally emo spiral of emotions. School is starting to feel like a pointless effort I mean most of my classes barley touch on what I actually WANT to do. That and I really am not the most tech savvy person out there I am utterly clueless when it comes to hacking and Piracy yet I am surrounded by people hat do it for kicks and giggles and have ALWAYS downloaded their music and never paid for it yet I'm sitting there little miss goody two shoes never having really pirated a thing in my life... So that then makes me wonder if I'm even in the right field. I mean yeah I love web design but I'm good at the simple and not overly professional, and I can't draw worth shit... Am I going to be able to keep up with my field? Or should I just stay a retail worker drone? And then I think about how hard I work all the commitment I have put into my job, yet I still can't get hat promotion. So does that mean I'm not even cut out for retail? Should I just be what I always feared? The stay at home mom with no responsibilities other than cooking cleaning and taking care of the kids. But wait, I can't cook, and I'm not even sure I want kids... So where does that leave me? Well, yeah I can type, but not fast and not without starring at the computer keys... so that even boots secretary at the office out. And I am over weight and pudgy and uncoordinated... so no dance... be it professional or otherwise... So see this? I'm entirely pessimistic AGAIN I just scratched off almost every job that it would be relatively easy to go to from here, That wasn't even including a major change which, to be completely honest, I could not afford even if I want to have one. So this long drawn out pessimistic rant leads me to the song that started going through my head as soon as I started to doubt myself in class...
I don't know how the rest of you keep your heads on straight... I can barley remember where I put mine... O wait it's on my shoulders... SEE I NEED HELP!... Can anyone help me? *hums to herself rocking back and forth in the dark corner of her room with her iPod playing in the background*
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