So I have come to realize I am addicted to something...
I'm not addicted to anything bad, but it seams to empty my bank account of ~$10 a week...
Wanna know what my "drug of choice" is?
Reading... That simple... That innocent...
But like with any addict I have the type/brand I prefer. Which in my case is Sci-fi / Fantasy Books that cater to the teen young adult audience. The only "adult" books I like so far, other than a very select few I have had the read for school, are ones written by authors that I came to love by reading their books in the teen section. I am very select with my books and will find I put a book down half way through if its too easy to read or too predictable and doesn't keep me entertained enough. Even if it is by one of my favorite authors, but mine you I tend to like an author cause they don't do these things that allow me to put a book down and they open up a whole new place for my imagination to explore.
So yes I do let my imagination run away with me! Why else would I be a UniCat; part mythical creature, part cat, and totally unique? Though don't count on my creativity... about all I can do is write and that isn't even very well. *Has no artistic skills at all whatsoever*
But back to why I am admitting I'm addicted to reading... I aid I wasn't gonna buy a book this week I was gonna save my money... Did that happen? OF COURSE NOT! I started a series last week that I love and the books are to new to be at the library... which you know I really should look into old books at the library and try to find something there to save my money but the library near me has a poor selection and I just have to brows to find books a lot of the time the title or cover will grab me I can't always just go eny-meanie-minie-mo I pick that one... it just does not work!
Enough of my rant! Time to hit the books! And I mean that in 2 ways... I have homework to do too... :( ... But first a song! And some of the lyrics could fit my addiction to a book XD...
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