So I knew the inevitable would happen and I would end up slacking off on the blogging, but hey it's not like it was my new year's resolution or anything that I slacked off. I just had a break from school and if I wasn't exhausted from work I was just off in lala land... which if you know me is actually quite normal. Does not help I have been sick 2 times in the past 3 months and I am coming down with something again... I DO NOT LIKE coughing fits. But hey I managed to catch up with a friend tonight that I haven't seen since well before Christmas so that was nice. I also raised my GPA enough to get my my scholarship back, and the school refund came in so I have a bit of money I can't really spend but I will probably chip away and add to it off and on. Oh, and I made the Dean's List last semester too, no freaking idea how but hey I did it counts for something right?
In other news my past came back for a visit, and most of you would be proud. I didnt cry, I was actually laughing most of the argument. She got what she wanted and then I told her off (yes I am referring to the newly edited blog post which is about all I have actually done in the past month). So in other words I will reinact the end of that conversation for some kicks and giggles.
"Yours Truly rolls her eyes watching you walk away not even bothering to cry over spilled sour milk bye girl gl with whatever it is you decide to do with your life." And then there was some yelling by the other party and rage quitting. I busted up laughing at this and then proced to shrug it off and move on. So see people I can learn, old dogs can learn new tricks with the proper conditioning... Just took me a few months. Don't worry my blog won't end cause I learned one of the biggest lessons I needed to learn when starting the blog, I will continue to ramble and keep tabs on myself so I don't accidentally fall back into old bad habits.
School has officially started and is gonna be a bitch here soon. 3 semester projects this semester, 2 of which are group *gag*. And it does not help I have very few friends in my classes, but I'll get through it I always do. Though, there is WAY TOO MUCH alphabetizing in my future... I should probably go ret now so I can feel better... I promise to try harder to update like I was before Christmas break...
O yeah and some music...
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