Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity...

Today I shall start with a quote...

"When we begin life, we are all given a puzzle -- each one very different, yet special. As we continue through our lives, we meet people and have some type of affect upon their life, as they do on ours. We share with them a piece of our puzzle and they share a piece of theirs, with us, in return. No matter what type of impact they had upon our life, we still carry along with us, a piece of their puzzle. Meaning that everyone we encounter has a special impact upon our lives, because they have shaped us into what we are today. This is called the puzzle of life. Each puzzle growing and changing throughout our lives, but always becoming better and always having the same foundational pieces. Know that you DO make a difference in peoples lives! I thank you for sharing part of your puzzle with me!" - Erin Bridget Doyle

... And from this quote I will expand on what is on my mind, and yes the quote does kinda fit with it.

The way I look at it, life is one of those huge puzzles with a zillion pieces, but with a catch. There are extra pieces that look like they fit, but they don't actually fit the main puzzle. Sometimes, the piece will linger as you attach it to the main puzzle and try to work around it, but once you figure out it really doesn't fit you pull it out and put it aside; where it instead helps form a smaller puzzle with many of the same features of the main puzzle, but also very distinct differences. And I know that made it sound a lot more confusing than I meant it to so I will break it down.

Big Pile of Puzzle Pieces - Some will fit into THE puzzle and some won't. - Represents possible futures, mistakes, and what have you.

THE Puzzle - All the pieces that fit together the way you want them to. - Your life and what you make of it. - Picture it as the map of which forks in the road you chose along the way.

The Side Puzzle - All the piece you though fit for a little while but didn't end up fitting after all. - All the mistakes you have made that you learned and grew from. - Picture it as the road map of all the wrong turns you took but back tracked and corrected.

The "Extra" - The pieces you throw out or that get lost. - Decisions you made that were permanent no or were missed opportunities. - Similar to moral choices or decisions that were made for you when you could not make them yourself (childhood) - The forks in the road you did not ever take at all.

Anyways, that's how I have it all pictured out in my head, especially after some of the stuff I have gone through lately adding some of my key pieces to the side puzzle to make my life better and more like what I want it to be. Just though I would share my little bit of incite.


  1. well put girl. I have a HUGE piece that I have tried throwing away but for some reason it just keeps coming back to haunt and mock me....... lately as of about an hour and a half ago. Just wish that little part of my life would leave me be and let me continue on my merry way.

  2. Well written. loved reading this
