Tuesday, December 7, 2010

BitterSweet HeartBreak...

Okay so over the past week I have had 2 blog posts bouncing around in my head but thanks to finals and stuff I juts haven't had the time to sit down at the computer and do my thing. So here goes nothing...

The end of the semester is always a bitter sweet time for me. Yay end of that really boring class I had to fight my hardest not to fall asleep in... but it is also the end of that class I loved with the new friends I made. End of the semester projects (all group and all at once x.x) and finals of extreme stress, but wait here comes a "break" at least for a few weeks. Though you can hardly call it a break when you are working ~35 hours vs the ~25 you had during school. Though for a few weeks my days off are as close to days off as you can really get without a literal vacation when you do absolutely nothing. On this "break" I will be cleaning my room and gearing up for next semester. Not to mention I will be trying to come up with money for Christmas presents and my new phone (trying to decide between a Blackberry and an iPhone is hard o.o) and school books... SO I guess I do get a break...and at least 2 of the days I am sure I will do absolutely nothing and not even bother to get out of my PJs... But I will also be getting ready for next semester as best as I know how...

I really need to learn not to get my hopes up especially after having them crushed twice since Halloween. First with work and everything I've been working towards lately being pushed back till "after the holidays, but it will get done". And then I missed my cousin's turning blue ceremony cause I had to go to the last day of classes. But then my grandma was going to come see me for n hour or so before they flew back west, but she was too tired form the jet lag and getting up early and running around so she will "see me in Spring" which isn't even set in stone, it is merely in the planning phases and she is known for falling through with such plans. So in all, there is a carrot right out of my reach in the workplace and my cousin (who is 11 days younger than me) has joined the military and I haven't seen him in 7 years and have no idea when I will see him again; and my aunt I haven't seen in 10 years and my grandma I haven't seen in 5 were too tired to stay up till I got off work to visit with me ;_; So yeah I need to not get my hopes up cause things never turn out right when I do...

And let's just sum it up like this...

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