Sunday, August 15, 2010

So, I broke the mirror...

Why did I break the mirror? Cause you can't linger in the past. Got to keep moving forward; learn what you can, but don't let it haunt you. Keep both eyes on the road ahead. A few good friends have been beating this through my head recently and well it's about time I let it sink in. So this marks the beginning middle and end for me. The beginning of a new point of view and a "new me" where I learn from my mistakes and don't linger on them. The middle of the long road that is, and will be my life. The end of the girl who was crippled and haunted by her past, her regrets, and her fears. So while I break the mirror I have my glimpse and memories of the past to show where I have been and remind me where I am heading, but they won't have a clear shot at hindering me like they have before. But breaking a mirror alone wont fix my life I have to add in a balance. Work--|--School; Play---|-Study; you know that thing we all have to do when we really want to make a big change "for the better" in our life. But for now I pick this new fork in the road, jump over the shards of a now shattered mirror, and take the next steps down the road of my life. Hope to see you along the way.

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